340B Program HRSA Audits
It’s not just about passing the audit — it’s about mastering compliance in every aspect.
Through our process, you’ll gain first-hand experience of a real 340B HRSA audit. Our methodology combines direct field expertise with a thorough, A-to-Z process that replicates the official HRSA audit. Utilizing our proprietary Impact technology, we accurately assess your compliance status during and after the audit. This leads to the development of a comprehensive compliance plan, including a detailed compliance scorecard. This scorecard, accessible anytime, not only shows your current compliance status but also offers targeted recommendations for enhancing areas needing improvement.
Mirroring the Audit Process Our method closely reflects the HRSA audit, guiding clients through each step with detailed explanations. This not only prepares them for the audit but also provides a real-world understanding of the process based on our field experience.
Educational Focus At every stage, we emphasize education, helping clients grasp the nuances of the audit and how it applies to their daily operations. This ongoing learning is crucial for sustained compliance.
Compliance Planning We work with clients post-audit to develop an Audit Plan that emphasize continuous compliance. This evolving plan adapts to changing regulations, client needs, and resource capabilities.
RxTrail Impact Technology Our SaaS technology is central to our audits, offering more than just a framework—it’s a hub for audit-related data, scorecards, educational content, news, and updates. This ensures our audits are not only accurate but also incorporate the latest industry standards.